My mentor and my second Dad Gerald Harris went home to heaven 2 years ago on Aug. 30th 2020. Today is his birthday!

I miss you every day. Hard to believe it has almost been two years since you passed on. Several
times this last year, I just wanted to call you to hear your voice or ask for your opinion.
To hear you laugh or just help me put life in perspective.
I dedicated my book “Here To There Revealed” to him.
This book was written to inspire and encourage and educate biz owners with the tools to
balance life, business, and finances! My mission is to help you create a business and life
you love. You may purchase your own copy here at Amazon I would LOVE to have you in my circle of friends!
Life lessons Gerald taught me:
- The way to earn respect is to respect others,
- Never burn bridges,
- Help others when you can,
- And have a good sense of humor,
- Learn from your mistakes,
- And never give up; just pick yourself up and start over.
” Until we meet again
I have been missing him a lot lately this is an amazing song for sure until we meet again my