I wanted to share some exciting news with you! Global Entrepreneurship Week – Kansas City (GEWKC) is right around the corner! It’s a weeklong series of educational and networking sessions focused on helping business owners and innovators elevate their best practices.
As a business owner myself, I will be leading a session where I’ll share my experiences and assist business owners in organizing their personal and professional lives. My session will cover how to create a “business checklist” and how it impacts our entrepreneurial efforts.
I invite you to register for my session using the link below. I can’t wait to connect with you and have an open and honest conversation about business planning.
GEWKC is right around the corner! Global Entrepreneurship Week – Kansas City is a weeklong series of educational and networking sessions focused on helping business owners and innovators elevate their best practices. I’ll bring my experiences as an owner to my session; I assist business owners in organizing their personal and professional lives. You CAN have it all! I can’t wait to use this platform for open and honest conversations about how to do a “business checklist” (Having a plan for this year and next !) and how it impacts our entrepreneurial efforts.